About Me

I studied art and illustration at Suffolk College of Art in Ipswich in the late 1980s, however I have always had a strong interest in drawing and painting since I was able to hold a pencil and brush, so it could be said that I am a self-taught artist.  My strong love of the countryside and nature was born with me, and I strive to paint in the traditional English school style.

I consider myself very lucky to live in a lovely region that has changed little in my time. I find artistic inspiration for my main subjects of villages, cottages, landscape and wildlife in the local countryside.  I feel that there is more natural beauty in nature than I would be able to paint in several lifetimes.

I hope you enjoy the paintings, please do leave me a comment and if you are interested in a painting of a favorite view, pet, or building please do contact me.

Thank's for stopping by
